Special place in my heart // II

Birthday post! My best friend turned 18 yesterday and that must be celebrated! Want to know more about this beautiful day? Click on the...

Birthday post! My best friend turned 18 yesterday and that must be celebrated! Want to know more about this beautiful day? Click on the read more button!

It all started on the morning from the 4th of November. Her mom and I planned a breakfast and she had no idea from al the presents and lovely surprises that day. I surprised her in the morning and she was in 7th heaven. We catched up for a bit because we both have exams so it was about a week ago that I saw her last. When we did that we went down stairs and a lovely breakfast was waiting there for her. We ate and opened a lot of presents. I had a late graduation present and she loved it. For my second present she had no idea what I  had in mind but as soon as she saw the bag she was like, "Omg, you did not bought this!" I was like ofcourse I did you only get 18 once plus you deserve a nice gift as this! After we opened all the presents and where done with breakfast I went back home and studied until the afternoon, as well as Amber did.

In the evening I planned a dinner in "The brasserie" in Keerbergen and surprised her there with a lovely sparkly dessert! She had no idea what was happening. I also gave my last personal present and I can say that it was a success! She loved it all and she loved the day. She has had an amazing birthday and the only thing that I can say is that I'm happy that I can be a part of this. That I can be a part of her life and that i can make her happy.

A best friend who totally gets you and makes you better and bloom through the years is special. I mean I'm happy and blessed with a best friend as Amber. It's a friendship for life. I love you ♡


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