Drugstore products // Does it really work?

Hi guys! Welcome to days article. Lately I've bought some new products from the drugstore for cheap prices and I wanted to try them o...

Hi guys! Welcome to days article. Lately I've bought some new products from the drugstore for cheap prices and I wanted to try them out and see if they really worked. Are you curious? Click on the read more button to discover!

I have recently some new break outs and some blackheads. I also had some scars from pimples and little wounds. I was in kruidvat and saw some things that cached my eye.

First of all the scar ointment. I already had an ointment from la roch posay but I didn't saw any changes. It stayed the same and I didn't used it anymore. I was curious for this ointment from the house brand it self from Kruidvat. I tried all of my products out for a week, a week an half and I saw the changes. My scars and wounds healed really quick and in no time it was almost gone! I was impressed from this product and couldn't (still can't) believe that it really works.

After that I found the scar ointment I saw the bottle from glass. It's a cleaning lotion that you need to apply on a cotton pad and clean your face with after you cleansed your face. It's supposed to help to remove unpurifiengs on your face as well as some make - up leftovers. I see a difference but I don't really like the sent of it. It's to strong for me and I'm not a tea lover so for me that's a disadvantage.

The small bottle from glass also belongs by the cleaning lotion. It's an treatment oil that helps a unpurified skin. It also helps against redness. I really see the differences when I applied it before I go to sleep. The morning after my face looks more healthy and better. I really recommend these products from Kruidvat!

The last product that I bought are these nose strips from Bioré. It's been all over the internet that the black face mask for your nose removes all of your black heads. I do believe that it really works. I bumped on this product and I was curious if it also would work in nose strip form. Yes it did! I regularly take care of my blackheads so in my case there where not so many on the strip.

The products are pretty cheap but they work! I'm quite impressed of the result so far and I really recommend the products. Certainly if you suffer from a unpuriefd and sensitive skin!

Scar ointment: € 3,99 // Click here!
Cleaning lotion: € 1,99 // Click here!
Treatment oil: € 1,99 // Click here!
BiorĂ© nose strips: € 6,99 // Click here!

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