Heart searching

Welcome to Sundays article! Today I have a deep article about being yourself. Why you should be it and how to become yourself. Click on t...

Welcome to Sundays article! Today I have a deep article about being yourself. Why you should be it and how to become yourself. Click on the read more button to continue!

Short story // Story time
Five years ago I met Amber. I met her in the third grade and from the first moment we met we had that magical "click" that a lot of people call it. At that moment in time I had a lot of issious with being myself and finding who I was. When I was little there where people in my life that downgrade me and made me feel worthless and not loved at all. They always had something negative to say about what I did or whore. I still have some self doubt about that now but thank god for the search to my soulmate. I found her in the third grade and since than I've learned a lot. I changed in being the person that I always wanted to be. Amber supports my goals and dreams. She will always have my back even in the though moments in life. Since than I've been a version of myself I couldn't even think I could be. I've become more confident, to the point and passionate than ever.

This is why you should always be yourself. If you're yourself you find the people that fit by you. The people who think the same as you or people that are at the same thinking height. It's difficult to find the right ones but once you find the right one it can change you forever. It are people that are genuinely happy to be around you and love you for who truly you're.

If you're not happy with the people in your life that make you feel worthless and unloved please do cut those people from your life! It's not healthy to hang around people where you don't feel yourself around or good around. Hang out with the people where you can do everything with. Where you feel yourself that you can do everything in the world and share and tell everything to.

What you can do to become you
First of all look for the people that make you happy and the ones who don't. If they don't make you happy cut them out of your life.

Follow your passion. If you like to blog, blog. If you like to take photo's do it. If you have a passion and people downgrade it prove them wrong. Keep going and set goals until you're happy with it.

Set goals in life. Set goals for your passions and goals for what you really want to become and do. If it gets though keep going. There is light at then end of the tunnel.

Wear what you want. If you love it wear it. Don't listen to anyone else. It's your life make the best life you've ever had. Make it one of a kind and extraordinary.

Golden tip
How less you care how better. Only care for the people you love with your hole heart.

What is your favorite tip from my article? 
Do you have a tip? 

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