Words from October

October has passed and we started the penultimate month of 2017. It's crazy how fast the time goes. Every month I have an artic...

October has passed and we started the penultimate month of 2017. It's crazy how fast the time goes. Every month I have an article with my favorite 5 quotes from that month. Let's dive in the october faves! Click on the read more button to discover.

The first and most inspiring quote from October was this quote. I found it inspiring because it's simple and so pure. It's true what they say, good things take time. If you want something it doesn't comes easily, you need to work for it and make it happen. Life is though. I always needed to fight for what I want. That's the best way to learn and to reach your goals.

Everybody has a life in mind that they want to reach. A goal they set and that they want to have later on in life. It's important to work for that goal and to keep your future plans in mind. You can have fun in life but always look beyond. Don't just see the now but see the future as well. Everyone wants to get an amazing life, I do as well, but you have to work for it. It doesn't come if you don't work for it.

If you're not happy with what you're doing now, or with some people or even the environment, make it better so that you can enjoy every single second from it and with the people you love the most.

This quote belongs to the quote above. I think that it's important to surround yourself with people that make you bloom instead of shrink. If people make you feel uncomfortable and unloved even not yourself you're better of with them. It may be hard in the beginning but it's for your own health and happiness. The people that can make you bloom are the golden ones.

Everyone goes through a period in life that is not so easy. It can go about something silly but also serious such as depression, anxiety issious, family issous, friendships, school, bullies, ... but don't give up. You're way better than them. You're not alone in this. You can go to your parents, friends, or just someone to talk to. Talking is important if you're going through a though time. It may sounds so silly but it's true. Otherwise you'll make yourself unhappier and even more sad. Talk about you're problems to someone you trust. You'll survive even if you don't think you may. 

Early mornings where you can start your day by doing the things that you want to get done. It's not laid off for everyone but for example my best friend likes to get up really early, around 6 o'clock to get started at her day. She wakes up so early because she is the most productive in the morning when she needs to study or do some homework. I like to get up an hour later and do the same stuff. If you get up early you're way ahead of what you want to reach that day. In the evening you can relax yourself by rereading your papers or relax by watching your favorite episode or YouTube vids.

What is your favorite October quote?

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