October playlist

Since it's already half october I thought that you guys would like to hear some latest music where I've been listening. Some of...

Since it's already half october I thought that you guys would like to hear some latest music where I've been listening. Some of the songs you will already know and some could be new. Click on the read more button to continue and discover my october playlist! 
These are my latest loved songs and I bet on it that you all know the songs that I will put underneath. Here we go! 

The 10 songs above are my most loved songs at the moment. I listen daily to them. I hear them a lot on the radio and I play them when I take a break from studying.

I love the songs that Macklemore makes. They are always with a lovely tune and they stick in your head for a hole day after you listend to his songs. "Glorious" and "Good old days" are on of my favorite new songs of him right now! Ps: He is live so good! He rocks.
Glorious // Click here to listen
Good old days // Click here to listen

Zayn and Sia together in one song. This is pure gold. That gold is proven in their song "Dusk till dawn". Their voices are tuned at each other and it is so wonderful to listen to. Sia her voice has recognizing notes in it that I love and Zayn his voice is soft but strong.
Dusk till dawn // Click here to listen

Dua Lipa ladies! She is my go to example as singer. Her song "New Rules" rockes and what she sings is a message. She is a powerful singer in my opinion an that at such a young age.
New rules // Click here to listen

Jax Jones, the singer that became famous with "You don't know me" for me has another awesome song "Instruction" in collaboration with Demi Lovato! The two songs that I know from him are so good and when you hear them on the radio you (I) want to dance immediatly! Shake it baby.
Instruction // Click here to listen

Now that we speak of Demi Lovato. Her latest new song "Sorry not sorry" brings a nice video clip along. Her casual home party turned out to be her new filming area. I must say that I really do like the song. She has a strong voice and sings beautiful.
Sorry not sorry // click here to listen

In 10 days Amber and I are screaming all his songs along. His latest song "Breathing" is so nice and the lyrics catches me every time. He has a special style but he has so many lovely songs.
#10daystillhisconcert #GoOscar #GoWolf
Breathing // Click here to listen

I personally never heard from Naaz before but one night my spotify was playing around and I heard her song "Words" playing and I liked it that I added it to my go to playlist at the moment! The song has nice melodies that makes me want to dance al around the house.
Words // Click here to listen

Amber and I went to a concert of Kygo around 2 year ago and he is wonderful live. He doesn't really sing but he plays piano and it was so beautiful. I always loved accoustic songs but that blowed my mind. His new song "Stargazing" is again a wonderful song.
Stargazing // Click here to listen

The last song where I want to talk about is "Lovin' You" from a band where I never heard from before. They are called Coldabank. I heard their song for the first time 2 days ago and I liked it so much that I needed to add it in my october playlist!
Lovin' you // Click here to listen

Autumn series 
Go to autumn lip color // Click here
Drugstore autumn make up // Click here
Autumn inspiration from WHI // Click here
Autumn essentials // Click here 
October playlist // Click here

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What is your go to song at the moment?


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