Drugstore autumn make up

Welcome to wednesday article! For today I have an autumn drugstore make up article! For more click  on the read more button! Autumn vibes...

Welcome to wednesday article! For today I have an autumn drugstore make up article! For more click  on the read more button! Autumn vibes everywhere....

1. Mua eye shadow pallet

The first product that I purchased was this beautiful autumn tinted eye shadow pallet! This pallet is from MUA. It's the first time that I bought something from this brand. I'm really excited about the brand because I heard some good reviews about MUA!

The structure of the make up is very good. It's very pigmented.


The swatches of the eye shadow pallet! I love the colors and they are so lovely to wear during fall and winter time but mostly during fall time. The first three colors are very light and easy to wear the three last colors are more dark and more for the evening or to add that extra autumn vibe during the day.

2. Freedom lipstick kit 
Lipstick, a girls best friend. I love to try out some new lip sticks once in a while and I saw this kit with 3 lovely colors in that I loved so much that I bought it! The purple color is something that I don't wear on a daily basis but the other colors I love so much and I wear them on a daily basis that it wasn't a lose. 

For the lipstick lover under us, the first two colors are more dark colors for autumn and evening.. The three colors after are more wear able through the day. It are red/brown color tones that are very lovely during this time of the year.

Eye shadow pallet: € 4,99 // Link Click here
Lipstick kit: € 5,99 // Link Click here

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Autumn series 
Go to autumn lip color // Click here
Drugstore autumn make up // Click here
Autumn inspiration from WHI // Click here
Autumn essentials // Click here 
October playlist // Click here

What is your favorite eye shadow color during autumn?

*Make up look with these products is comming soon!*


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