My Instagram & Youtube inspiration

Hi guys! Welcome to Sundays article! Today I'm going to talk about one of my inspirations from Instagram & Youtube.  It's a...

Hi guys! Welcome to Sundays article! Today I'm going to talk about one of my inspirations from Instagram & Youtube.  It's about one girl and I found her by accident on social media. She gave me a lot of inspiration. Click on the read more button to discover my inspiration.

I found her by accident on Youtube because I love to watch a lot of Youtube videos in the mornings and evenings. I love to watch fashion, beauty and lifestyle videos. The girl that I found was so friendly and lovely at first sight when I clicked on one of her videos. Her videos are always such an inspiration and the way that she addits her videos is so nice to watch! 

Danielle Marie Carolan. That's my Instagram & Youtube inspiration. She has the same age as me. Well exually she is one year older. She is 19. She is such an optimistic and sweet person. Her Instagram feed and stories are always so beautiful just like her videos and personality.

Why does she inspire me?
Well I will tell you. She makes spontanous videos. It's not forced and when she talkes for the camera it's so natural. She is funny and she has such an amazing style. She is always busy and working on her goals. She motivates me to get started with my day, planning out my week, travel to new cities and working on my goals. I love it when I receive a notification from Youtube when she has uploaded a new video! Also let's take a moment about her clothing style. She has such a great style and she styles it so pretty! Casual but so chique.

We're not finished yet! I told you that she had a Youtube channel! Look at her Thumbnails. It was just a little glimp of that and it already catched my eye when I was scrolling through Youtube. She has a lot of different video types. I putted some of her videos down below so you could have a look. 

She is just such a beautiful, lovely and happy girl. I see myself sometimes in her because first of all she is optimistic. I'm 90 % of the time happy and I always see the good in people but also when something happens. It can be tough but always keep your head up and see the positive side! 

This is not sponsored or promoted. I wanted to talk about a certain person that inspired me. I love to be inspired and inspire others and well this girl over here, Danielle, she inspired me in ways I couldn't inspire myself. 

Her YoutubeChannel: Themakeupbydanielle // Click here
Who is your Instagram/ Youtube inspiration?

Mine, on both questions, is definetly Danielle!

Instagram: Click HERE
Twitter: Click HERE


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