Motivate yourself

*Bron weheartit* Hi guys! Next week I start with finals so I won't be posting but after that (only 2 weeks) I'm back again! For...

*Bron weheartit*
Hi guys! Next week I start with finals so I won't be posting but after that (only 2 weeks) I'm back again! For some motivation click on the continue button to read more!

Finals are twice a year, once around Christmas and once at the end of the year. It is only two times you need to force yourself and say 'I can do this, lets make it happen.'

I also have a couple of quotes to motivate you guys. They are not special, just short and to the point.
Do this for yourself and make yourself proud. It is not bad to study even if it are subjects you don't really like to do. You will make it if you study hard, acute and in detail. Remake your tests! That's a huge tip I can give you that is really important and helpful!

You can do this! Don't give up if you don't want to study anymore. Do an other subject instead,  read it or take a ten minute break, go outside walk around but be active in those ten minutes! It will help and stimulate you to start again. Drink lots and lots of water, eat enough in the morning and start your study day!

I wish you all good luck with finals! You can do it, believe in yourself.

Source: Click here! 
Source:Click here!

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