May words

May is coming to an end I'm starting to stress out some more. In a week and a couple of days we're starting with the exam...

May is coming to an end I'm starting to stress out some more. In a week and a couple of days we're starting with the exams and I'm stressing over but before that I have my most inspiring and most liking quotes for you all! For more click on the read more button!

Before I start the most stressful period of the year I like to do the things that make me happy and smile. I love seeing my best friend Amber, reading, taking a moment for myself ( facial ;) ) and watch a serie in the evening and posting on my blog and Instagram (Click here!). You need to do things in life that makes you happy to be here and that makes you genuinely happy!

In life you need to do things that you don't like as well so enjoy the things that can make you happy before you need to do something you don't really like to do or doesn't motivates you but motivate yourself! Set goals that make you happy.

When I'm studying or doing something that is not working out I always want to give up or quit. That is something I can put in the past. Thanks to my lovely friend Amber I have set some goals to reward myself. After a chapter or task or after a certain time you can take a break from studying. If you do this you do more in a day and the things you wanted to do are done. At the end of the day you can give yourself a treat to take a warm and relaxing bath or to go out for dinner. It is an amazing idea that absolutely works and stimulates you.

Never say that you can't do something because if you say that you can't.
Say that you can do it, set your focus on it, put your phone away and learn until you understand everything.

Our best friend, soulmate. Someone we meet by accident with that instant magical "click" from the first talk you have with them. They are golden. They are always here for us, in the good and the bad days, on the days we are sad, feeling unloved and in the moments we're the most happy. In moments we cry, are mad or are even tired of life. They will always be here for us. In this month (basically every day and every moment in life) she meant the world to me. I had a lot ups and downs, bad and good moments and even really sad moments. She, Amber, means the world to me. 

Always show your love to the people you love in life. It's important because you don't know how they feel. If you like something tell them, if you see people on the street great them, say hello. 
Give someone a smile today, make them happy. Put a smile on their faces. 

Love the people that love you. I love you Amber.

Everyone has his bad days or days where they do things they wish they hadn't done. You can't go back in the past to fix them, it happened for a reason. Don't repeat the past because you can't redo it. 
"You can't repeat the past." You know from which movie this quotation comes? Leave a comment down below! ;) 

But what I mean is that even if you did something you're not proud at or you didn't succeed in something or you had a rough time, experience, .... You always recover. Not fully but you learn from it and get better. You start over with the new knowledge and are ready to get further. You know where to be aware of. Always believe in yourself even if it's not looking good at that moment.

You will flower up. 

The last quote of my "quotes of the month". I wanted to end this article with a quote that is a bit inspirational. If you watch a lot of romantic movies (like I do) you probably noticed that they always want to ask or do something when the moment is right but when is the right moment? Every moment is right. Just do it and don't hesitate, just go for it! Even if you are scared.  As example if you like someone and you don't know if he likes you back or you do know or have a feeling why would you wait? You can always ask if he would like to meet you some time? Why would you wait? Or as another example, if you can do something right now for school or work why wait until the day before? Do it when you have time so you can spend the time that rest for something that you like and makes you happy. 

Don't wait until the moment is perfect. Make it perfect.

I hope you enjoyed "The quotes of the month May."
You can always leave a comment with your favorite quote! 

Source: Click here!


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