Chit - chat sunday

Chat - chat Sunday! My best friend sad the other day that she really missed these articles on my blog and I read them again and I totall...

Chat - chat Sunday! My best friend sad the other day that she really missed these articles on my blog and I read them again and I totally agree with Amber!

For those who don't know the chit - chat Sunday articles, take a fast look at my latest! (This was a while ago and a lot has changed since then)

Link previous chit - chat Sunday: Click here!

Let's hop in this chit - chat! 

We're ending may and I can't even believe we are almost starting with our exams?! Time flies lately. January and February took so long and now we are already end may?! Say what ... And you know what that means... only less then a couple of weeks away from the exams ...

As I told before I am a real stress chicken if it comes down to exams I have some issues with anxiety  ... yeah so when there are subjects where I have some difficulties with and I don't really understand something my mind is exploding and going to panic mode, something like this: ?!@&*#%$.

Before we are officially starting with the most stressful month I'm going to tell you a bit more about my week of  22 to 28 may.

I started of my week with school, of course what else, and we only had school until Wednesday because the 25 of may is a holiday in Belgium known as " Hemelvaart".

What did I do in these days of? Well I studied because I am the kind of girl that studies when she has a day of but I do it because I don't want to be in trouble with all the course material in the end. I love to be prepaired of the things that come. Being a step ahead.

I didn't study all day long. For once it was really good weather in Belgium with temperatures around the 30 degrees. I really loved this weather but it was quite warm to sit the whole time in the sun. If I took a break I sat outside for 10 - 15 minutes enjoying the sun.

Yesterday, Saturday the 27the of may I went to The Lake with Amber and we enjoyed our view and dishes. It was like always such a lovely and wonderful time. Also way to short :(

The last day of the week already and  it's such a pitty. I had 3 productive days where I could prepaire some lessons and I'm very happy and pleased with what I did.

I wish you all good luck with the exams!
You can do this!

What was your highlight this week?
Leave a comment down below! 

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