I asked you guys on Instagram  questions for a Q&A! Her it is. For more click on the read more button! 1 What makes you happy? ...

I asked you guys on Instagram questions for a Q&A! Her it is. For more click on the read more button!

1 What makes you happy?
That's a very good question but it's quite simple to answer. My happiness depends on the people I love the most in life. I can tell when they feel sad or when they have something on their mind. It makes me happy when I can make them happy when they are sad. The people where I surrender myself with are my bubble of happiness and good grades ass well ofc!

Smiling to strangers. It makes me so happy and satisfied when I can make someone I don't know smile. Life is so short so make most off it and I'll tell you, a smile to someone makes the difference!

2 Where did you get your inspiration for your blog?
I got my inspiration from a lot off people actually. A couple of years ago I had my first blog but I wasn't that confident so I deleted it after a while because there were people not positive about it and it influenced me really hard back then but now I surrounded myself with positive and loving people so my confidence raised so much! A golden tip, let people never influence you and do what you love.

3 How do you stay happy?
It's hard to stay happy all the time. Sometimes people just break at a certain moment because it's just to much at once. To much pressure or emotions or just life at that moment in time and you know it's okey to be sad for a while or not that happy. You can't be happy all the time but please do enjoy the little things in life where you can smile at and the person you can smile with and have fun with ass well. Like I said in 2, life it to short so make the best out of it.

4 Why do you like blogging?
I like blogging because I like to express my thoughts and inspiration and topics I'm interested in. I learn new things from other people and it inspires me to write about it and inspire/ help other people out! It makes me happy.

5 What is your biggest dream?
I would like to go on a world trip or in general to see the world and explore new places and meet new cultures. My biggest dream is to be happy and succeed in what I like to do at school and find a job that I do with passion, seeing my best friend a lot and doing everything with love in life.

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