Motivation from the month // February

Hi girls! I've been thinking a lot the last two months about what I want in life, goals I want to accomplish, changes that I want to m...

Hi girls! I've been thinking a lot the last two months about what I want in life, goals I want to accomplish, changes that I want to make and do what makes me happy. Click on the read more button to discover!
This month taught me some new things. How to be happy in life, how to be happy in several situations and how to stay positive about several things. The highlights of this month where quite positive. I had quite a good month. I was in a good place, minded my own business (doing more of hat I love), started reading again and succeeded in a part of my goal.

There where also several downsides this month. You, I,  still learn about the mistakes that I make. Life is always about learning. I still learn from the mistakes. They make me wiser each time.

It's important to be happy in life. I haven't been genuinely happy for a while. I try to make each day a good day. A day filled with happiness, love and future goals. It's not easy but each day is getting better and brings me closer to my goals. Each day is a step closer to your goal! 

Surround yourself with people that motivate you, love you and support you no matter what. Talk about what's on your mind. If you're ready for it. Clear your mind. Write it down. It's important to keep your mind in a positive vibe.

Another good way to keep your mindset happy is to get a good environment. An healthy, good and relaxing place is of importance after a long day. If you come home from work, school or somewhere else. Clearing your mind and putting everything on a row from that day can do wonders. What was the highlight of that day? Reflecting each day can do wonders. 

This article is more to the shorter side but I wanted to express that even if you're not happy with how your life is now, you can change it. Even when it's difficult, try to think about things that make you happy. It will make your day better and never stop doing what you love!

What makes you happy during a less happy day? 

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