Creating some headspace

Hi guys! Long time no talk. I've been really busy working on a goal of mine and soon I'll talk about it. It's almost fini...

Hi guys! Long time no talk. I've been really busy working on a goal of mine and soon I'll talk about it. It's almost finished and I'm getting really excited about it. When you're busy you may forget about yourself. A week ago I started to take a moment for myself in the morning and let my thoughts and minds do their thing. Afterwards I felt so much better and I knew I could manage the day! Click on the read more button to discover how you can find inner peace.

Creating headspace is something important. It's important that you take your time each day to put all your thoughts on a row and clear your mind. Taking a break in your head is how you can relax.

A couple of years ago I found an app called "Headspace". It was nice but at that moment in time I didn't really saw the point of it. A week ago I downloaded it again and I've been loving it so far. The couple of minutes each morning to just listen and make my mindset ready for the day. 

I've been having a lot on my mind lately. Every morning I start my day off by enjoying these 3 minutes of meditation. It's been really helpful to rediscover myself. What makes me happy, what do I want and most important, not giving a damn about things that are not important for me. To let the bad thoughts out, to focus on the good and my goals. 

There are more possibilities to reduce stress, heavy thoughts, bad feelings, ...
I have some other ways to reduce those feelings as well.  Here are some more tips! 

I find reading one of the best ways to escape for a while. It makes me relaxed and my mind is not worrying about all the other things. After a good book or something else my mind, most of the times, is calmer and peaceful about all the things and thoughts that went through my head.

My latest book purchases: Click here!

I like to be busy with my blog. When I'm busy writing I'm in my own world. Planning out some amazing posts about new subjects. I always try to change things up and it's something where I really like to be busy with. Keep some eyes on my blog for new things soon! 

Writing down your feelings is a good way to express them without telling or showing. It helps your mind to overview everything and progress it. 

Netflix is a cure for most of the things. When I'm not feeling it that day I like to watch to something funny. I recently started to watch friends and I've only seen the first 3 episodes and it makes me smile every time. A smile is the best way to cheer up a bad day. 

*I'm not an expert. This is something I like to do. This is not a sponsored article.*

What do you do to relax?

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