Motivation exams

December started and so are the finals! I gathered some handy tips to stay motivated during the finals! Click on the read more button to d...

December started and so are the finals! I gathered some handy tips to stay motivated during the finals! Click on the read more button to discover your motivation.
1. Stay positive 
Everyone has a (many) menteal break downs during finals. It may be before they even  started, during or even during the exam self. It's hard to stay positive if something doesn't work out the first time or when you have no idea anymore how you did an exercise. 

For many students it's difficult to stay positive during this stressful time of the year. I know it from own experiences that it can be a hell of a time. The only way, in my point of view, is to think positive. I know it's not easy all the time but it helps you to look more positive to your finals. 

My advice

Surround yourself in a positive area where you're comfy for the couple of weeks that you need to study. If you have stress, talk about it with your best friend or parents. It helps to reduce the stress and  reliefs the body in a healthy way instead of keeping it for yourself for a long time.

2. Keep working 

The exam period takes a long time. It's required to put a lot of time in your exams so that you have good results. It's not only for your own best but also your parents and friends will be happy for you. Remind that your vacation is even better with good results. It's a satisfaction for you as well. 

Always improve yourself and work hard for your goals and dreams! 

3. Stay healthy 

I'm guilty of this but during the exams I crave for fast food and unhealthy snacks. It's not good while studying. Good snacks and drinks during studying are water, so that you stay hydrated. Fruits, so that your mind and health stay good. Fruits have an high value of vitamins that are healthy for you and your body. Dinner time is the time where vegetables play an important role. 

*I'm not a specialist, at all, but I know that it's better to eat and drink healthy.* 

4. Love what you do 

I mentiont something about this in point two. Always improve yourself and work hard for your goals and dreams! This is something that fits in point four as well. It's important that you follow a study that really interests you. I think it's very important. If you're interested in something the studying goes smooth and it's fun and interesting. If you follow something where you're not 100% happy with it's not that much fun and interesting to study. Yes there are still courses that aren't really 100% your thing. It's possible but as long as the study that you follow is 100% your thing than you know you made a good choice. 

5. Don't let people stop you from your dreams

I know from own experience that it's not always the case that you can keep doing the study that you love. Well I proved everyone wrong. There is always a way to do what you love even if it takes a while. I'm a real supporter of this. Do what you love and love what you do. It may be one of the most cliche quotes but it's true. If you're not happy with what you're doing. Change now you still can. 


What do you love to do? Which course is your fave?

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