Sunday's inspiration for Monday's

Hi loves! Welcome to Sunday's article. For today I have some tips and tricks to have a relaxing Sunday that will help your Monday! I ...

Hi loves! Welcome to Sunday's article. For today I have some tips and tricks to have a relaxing Sunday that will help your Monday! I have some inspirational quotes, some tips, and some tips for yourself! Click on the read more button to discover the tips and tricks! 

1. Inspiration

Everyone needs a goal in life. I have one to atm and man I'm working my ass of for it. It motivates me to work hard for it because it's something I really want to achieve. Don't look at the past. Look at the future. Be strong and work for your goals. You're still young even if you don't really think that anymore. You can do so much with your capacities even if you don't think that. The people who love you will support you and see your capacities.

Go for what you love. Do it. Don't let people put you down. It can be hard sometimes but that's life. it isn't always sunshine it can be hard as well. Gather your guts and strengths and go for it.


2. Plan out your week 
 On a Sunday it's so lovely to plan out the next week. Take your agenda or your phone callender and write down what you want to accomplish, when you have your appointments and when you're going out. Planning is the key to success.

*PS: You don't forget anything ...*

3. Plan your outfit
On Sunday's it so handy to plan out a cute and fashionable outfit for Monday! You have a lot of time to choose and are prepared for the first day of the week for school or work. It's already less stress for your Monday!

4. Read 
A good book before you're going to sleep is really relaxing. You might think reading isn't fun but you can read where you're interested in. If you read books that interest you, you're going to love reading plus if you read instead of going on your phone you sleep better and it's better for your own health!

5. Skin care 
Taking care of your skin is very important. Sunday is the perfect day to plan out some time for your skin. Treat it with a lovely fresh mask from Lush and your skin will glow up! The fresh masks from Lush are so amazing! I discovered them 2 months ago and I'm in love with them. You can see the differences that they do to your face. I really recommend them!

These where some tips of mine to have a relaxing Sunday and to prepare yourself for a new week!

What is your favorite tip? 

Leave a comment down below! 

I wish all of you a lovely Sunday and a very good week! 

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