
*Bron weheartit* I started a new series called lovesick and wauw, I'm in love with this series. Do you want to discover more about...

*Bron weheartit*
I started a new series called lovesick and wauw, I'm in love with this series. Do you want to discover more about this series? Click on the read more button to discover more!
*Spoiler allert about some details*

So the series Lovesick. Oh boy where do I need to start. I started it yesterday and ended it yesterday. Yes, it is that good that you finish it on one day. It's a short series. There are 2 seasons of each 8 episodes from 25 minutes. So it goes pretty fast. It's also a very British series. You will definitely notice it.

Diving in to de story line. Lovesick is about 3 people, very close friends, who live together. The 3 people exist about 2 boys, Dylan and Luke, and a girl, Evie. I was quite curious about this series for a while now and I finally watched it and like my guts told me, it was a successful series. I could rely a lot on Evie. She has a hopeless crush on her best friend Dylan. The only problem is that they made out, twice, and her feels for Dylan became even stronger. She will always be in love with Dylan.

Before I say to much, or should say, spoil to much I recommand you this series really bad! It's so beautifully made and you want to know how it ends with Dylan and Evie right?

As I said, I can relay really hard on Evie. I have the same feels as her. You know, those love feelings, that never went away but you're to afraid to tell the person you love, you love him/her? Yeah I have them and I always had them. Even if you try to move on it's difficult because you still have feelings for them and your gut is telling you something. Yeah I know that feeling. Even when you try to move on, you can't because you love that person so much. First love is something special.

My conclusion after I watched this series was this.
Don't wait. Take the risk. It's hard to do that after you kisses them or did more than just kiss them. You can't keep hurting yourself by seeing them dating several people while you're in love with them. It's selfish maybe, but they need to know you love them. Maybe they feel the same way without that you noticed it. Do it before it's to late. You don't know how it's going to end but at least you told them and that's the most important part. That you putted your happiness first and had the guts to tell them.

*Lovesick is a Netflix original*

Have you ever been in love? 

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